Monday, July 27, 2009

Web sites after PG/MCA

After Completing my PG.................. I'd no idea what I'm going to do..........

Even more confused........ I’d a thought "might have done a job after graduation”

I was not interested in JAVA, so with stupidity I refused around 5/6 jobs because they were on JAVA. Since my specialization was Distributed Systems and Parallel Programming, I was interested in working on at lease a UNIX platform or mainframes. No luck.......

After 11 months of stupidity and ignorance, I got a job in Bangalore @ Aureole Technologies, not even a single clue what I'll be working on?

So joined Subb Sir and started working on web development :) I was surprised and happy.

Apart from HTML no other knowledge of Web, still worked on it for 1 month.

After 1 month Subbu sir told me to stop doing kiddies things .......... get to real life ......... and he started giving assignments.

Slowly completed few of the assignments………….




Learnt a lot of things thing like life-cycle of a Web site, page, and server.





After 6 months in Aureole, it was time to take a decision, either work with Aureole or go with Mr. S. Mokhasi, before I ‘d take any decision, Subbu sir told me to go with e-Sutra.

On 1st August 2007 I joined e-Sutra chronicles.

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